Thinking of how to travel light for a week in the sun? Well, by the time you’ve finished reading this article you will be packing like a pro!
7 dresses, your perfect high heels, blue pants, mustard shirt, 2 pairs of trainers, silky shorts .. nope! If you can’t make up your mind, then I suggest you do the following:
– create outfits that you can mix and match. You can wear a pair of shorts with 2 different tops. That’s 2 outfits already! Pack light dresses. Instead of bringing a pair of pants and a t-shirt, you might consider packing a dress – one that doesn’t need ironing, of course!
– no makeup look. Try to carry the minimum when it comes to makeup. Keep your basic hygiene products, the ones that you really need. If you’re going on a topical island, then you won’t need foundation!
– don’t pile on small items. Do you actually need them?
– shoes. How may can you wear? Grab a pair of flip-flops or sandals and try wearing the shoes you love the most.
– no electronics, just the phone charger!
– don’t pack your towel. It takes up huge space and let’s be honest, you have clean towels at your hotel.

When packing your bag, remember: don’t roll your clothes! I’ve seen many people roll their shirts, trousers – everything. By doing that, you will just take up space if you’re not doing it properly and your clothes will be soooo wrinkled! Instead, lay them on top of each other. Only fold them if the item is too big. When another piece of clothing goes on top, be sure to place it the other way around, so the space is equally filled. Travel light and be surprised how easy it is!
How do I pack for a 7 days trip in the sun?
Well, if I’m going to take the plane, then the answer is simple: I choose the minimalist travel style. I only carry a small backpack and a small cross bag.
In my backpack I have the following:
- 3 light dresses, two pair of shorts, four tops, socks and lingerie. Sometimes I bring a pajama 🙂 That’s at least 7 outfits.
- one pair of low sandals, one pair of flip-flops and I put on my sneakers before leaving the house;
- phone charger;
- small thermal water spray – my favorite. This keeps my skin hydrated. No other cosmetics needed.
In my cross bag I keep:
- phone
- wallet
- ID card
That’s it!
Now, you might think I travel light (so light!) and you could never! But, mind you, I purchase things at the destination so I don’t have to carry them. Those are what I call “consumables”. Shampoo, SPF creams, soaps, hygiene products in general, an extra shirt if needed, hair comb, toothbrush and toothpaste – all these things can fill up your bag. But, these are things that come cheap and you can always buy them from local shops. I even buy beach bags if I cannot bring one. Beach towels? For 5 EUR, I will leave my favorite one at home!
So, before you even think you need your wardrobe on wheels, think again! You can travel light and still be fashionable!