
Hello! My name is Eliana and I'm the traveler behind this blog.

For life enthusiasts! 😎

Top 4 Places You Should be Visiting in Jordan

While thinking of visiting Jordan might cause you to be reluctant, we’re going to give you 4 good reasons why you should travel to Jordan and be amazed! Petra, the famous archaeological site  The ancient Jordanian city of Petra, formerly knows as Raqmu, is a wondrous places that lies in southern Jordan. Accessing the city…

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Why should you go to Interlaken in Switzerland?

Located in the Alps, in central Switzerland, is a small town of Interlaken. However, do not let the size of this city fool you because it is rated as one of the best tourist destinations in the country. What is Interlaken Known for? Much of Interlaken’s history is shrouded in mystery and this is due…

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Angkor Wat – the History of Cambodia’s Temple

Designated as a world heritage site in 1992, the Angkor Wat temple has been South East Asia’s most fascinating pieces of architecture and it holds world’s most unique religious shrines. Is Angkor Wat a Hindu or Buddhist temple? Originally a Hindu temple dedicated to the god Vishnu, the temple transitioned into a Buddhist temple during…

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Is Praiano Better Than Positano?

In thе mіddlе of the Amalfi Cоаѕt, bеtwееn Pоѕіtаnо аnd Amаlfі, іѕ thе bеаutіful village оf Prаіаnо. Praiano is a ѕеаѕіdе rеѕоrt that hаѕ retained іtѕ аtmоѕрhеrе аѕ a quіеt fіѕhіng tоwn throughout the centuries. Thіѕ tоwn hаѕ a trаnquіl аtmоѕрhеrе аnd it іѕ a lovely place to еѕсаре thе сrоwdѕ аnd enjoy some rest…

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