
Hello! My name is Eliana and I'm the traveler behind this blog.

For life enthusiasts! 😎

Best places to visit in April Fishermans-bastion-Budapest-City-in-Hungary.jpg

Places and Prices in Budapest

Seems like you’re planning your trip to Europe and I’m interrupting you with my suggestions. Or am I? There are lots of great interesting places to see like Barcelona, Paris and Prague but Budapest has some extra edge to it. When I first visited it, it was a cold December month and although I struggled…

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Secret spots in Los Angeles you don’t know about

If you’ve already booked your trip and wondering what secret spots you could see in Los Angeles, I’ve got them all figured out! There’s much more to gaze at than Disneyland and Hollywood. While LA has its iconic film studios and behind-the-scenes tours, it also boasts in other alluring places that might excite you beyond…

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Plan Your Vacation To Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Have you ever heard someone say, “Once, when I was in Cabo….” and then start a boring tale? No, of course you haven’t! Because there’s no such thing as getting bored if you know exactly where to go. In this article we’re going to provide you with a full list of things to do when…

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What Can You do in Morocco’s Blue City

Have you ever wondered why Chefchaouen is blue and if it is worth visiting? Well, some say that this is the place where dreams are made and painted blue! Not just any blue, but Moroccan blue. This is Chefchaouen, Morocco’s Blue City that will transcend you into a whole different dimension, one of beauty, relaxation…

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Beijing’s Less Known Tourist Attractions

Although Beijing is famous for its ancient Chinese architecture, there are many less well known tourist attractions that will surely catch your eye. When you visit Beijing for the first time as a tourist, you might be pushed into visiting the more famous sites. But wouldn’t it be great if there was more to see…

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